Match French Words Vol.1 - French vocabulary in the kitchen : French Workbook - 360 french words pour kids and beginners

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  • This booklet proposes to discover the vocabulary used in a kitchen. It includes utensils, food, furniture, household appliances and situations.
  • The exercises can be done by levels A1, A2 and B1.
  • Beginners (levels A1 and A2) will be able to get used to the spelling of the words in French and to their identification with the help of the associated images. They will also be able to follow more advanced instructions with the help of a facilitator, parent or teacher, while learning vocabulary.
    Intermediate students (level B1) can complete all the exercises independently.
  • All the solutions are available at the end of the booklet.
  • 360 words to discover
  • Full colors with illustrations

Le dossier zippé à télécharger contient un document au format PDF.

C’est une solution idéale pour apprendre seul, ou réviser après une formation, ou pour animer un groupe autour d’un thème.

La version éducative vous autorise à imprimer et à distribuer ce document à vos élèves, ou à le mettre à disposition gratuitement sur votre plateforme d’enseignement elearning.